The Truth is hiding in your eyes...

The Truth Never Set Me Free,

Monday, May 31, 2010

shitty week.

This week is probably shittiest week ever :| Yeah, exam. NOTED aye? (;
So, last week when Johor and ohmy, 6 hours in the car. Gila ke ape? Nak mati
rasa kat dalam kereta. Jam gila babi. -.- Great thang that time, i didn't even bring a book. The only book i brought was The Last Song. Great job Amirah.

Then, today got Science paper 1 and BM1 and BM2. Thank god i can answer BM papers :) Yeah, i finished those two exam papers with a smile on my face :)
The one that made me, Aysa, Yana, Arif and others become grumpy is Science. Oh HELL YEAH its super confusing (!) why must Density come out in exam?! WHY?!
Most of the questions are based on Density. I barely study bout Density. What i study was cell. Cell wall. Cell Membrane. And i memorize ALL of it! But, bila tengok soalan je, dah cuak, dah lupa sume :| Bangang kan?

After Science, we went and asked teacher for answers for the questions that we dunno. Teacher gave all the answers. Mostly, all of us got WRONG. *SHITSHITSHITHSIHTIHIHTI* Yeah. Aysa and Liyana plus me always answered
the same thing :DDDD

So, tomorrow paper 2. Dead i tell you DEAD. Please lah. Tolong lah, harap
senang (;

Toodles for now,
nites :3

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Let's Write A Bad Romance.

woah, i'll miss yesterday :( An awesome incident happened. Cikgu Suzila asked us to
open komsas book. But too bad me,Pri,June Yee,Shu Xin didn't bring our book. So, we asked Liyana for her book and we squash in the small desk with the 5 of us ^^''
Then, teacher explained...explained... and i got boring! So, i doodled at Pri's table and wrote:
Lemak 3 Lapis BABI! Lemak 3 lapis bangang! Then, Shu Xin, Bella and Pri joined me but we erased
what i wrote -___-' wee continued our awesomee 'job'.
But we wrote this on the whole desk;
hehe.. then, teacher asked! D:

"korang nie conteng meje eh?" then we said, "Mane ade lah cikgu... tengah padam nie ha, senior tulis bende bodoh... " *Lol-ed for a sec* then teacher said " Tah tah, diorng tulis jawapan dekat situ... " Then teacher went off... we were like: BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA =))

teacher believed in us 100% Nvm teacher, you will never know we wrote all those stuff :P
Its a scret.. SHHHHHH ;D

Then, today we did Seni and PJK exam :\ I bantaii alot on PJK >:) intend to read on BC exam period, tapi mata dah memang nak tertutup sangat. zzzz -___- YEAH, i
SNOOZ-ED hehehe :P So, summary of today is BORING. Tomorrow....
woohoooo! :DDDDD Aysa's coming tomorrow for our study mission, then we would be going OU ^^"'
ohh, my internet here is being an idiot, so toodles! -.-

Monday, May 24, 2010

Dweebs (:

Well, yesterday was one awesome day. Studied with Bella, Shu Xin, Saby, Arif, Pri and Andrew :) The weird thing is, our math teacher is in teh class but she doesn't teach us. That is just plain weird :\ But we took that time to do math for teh coming exam. Yeah, terlebih rajin lah katekan :P HAHA. Anyways, it was kinda fun! Now we know who sucks in Math and who are pro in math. The funny part was, that time all of us are trying to study sejarah but none of us can answer the questions :D Because, none of us read sejarah :P (Y)

At home...
I was to rajin. I did Math and Science. Woooo, science is kinda tough! The Cells. Great. I really don't get some of it. Cell membrane.Cell Wall. Chloroplast etc. its complicated. ==''

Now, i got my Dweeb Family
My Dweebs;
  • Khadijah.
  • Aysa,
  • Arif,
  • Amiin,
  • Nadiaah
  • Adam
  • Zatil
So, that's my dweeb family :D
Ilovethem kayy? :*

xoxo, Dweeb #2

Paramore - That's What You Get - Radio 1 Big Weekend

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hopes for tomorrow;

Ahhh! Hopes tomorrow would be a heck of a day :) As i say on my previous post,
I missed my friends like hell :'( I miss their craziness. (LOL) ohguys, c'mon! Let's finish up this stupid exam! *skema gila*

Mama cakap nak belikan cake esok! Ohmygod, teringin gila doh nak makan cake :9
Blueberry Cheese Cake! OHmy, mana tak gemuk kan? D: AHH! Ape kesah, makan je! XDD
I wish everyday, NO STUDY BUT! Its not gona happen. NEVER. ish. I dislike this :P LOL, bangang je.
HAIHHH! what am i crapping today? I think i need to just post this, and hop on the bed and maybe read Eclipse <3>

Teh Oh So Awesome Sunday.

  • in the morning: Jog,went breakfast :)
  • in the afternoon: Study for like 45 minutes, went for lunch.
  • NIIIGHT: would be: Doin homework,studystudystudy,eat,online,SLEEP.
Yeah, that's like the summary for my 'ohsoawesome Sunday' :\ Its
just totally boring. Mom would be having fever D: Haihh, she always have fever -.-
now is almost 4PM and i really got nothing to do. And I keep on repeating Shontelle's song, Impossible. Whats with me?! Lazy nowadays. Well, not only me but my friends too. We used to be like this Geeks facing BOOKS, but now we're facing FACEBOOK :O (Y)

I hope tomorrow would be a heck of an awesome day :) And, Zatil told me
she's gona change place with Elisa! OHH thank god! Buuuuuut, i wana sit beside Priyana! Not Zatil! :P Sorry babe, but I loike to sit beside Pri :( Haihh, Pri, I'm gona miss ya! >.<

Ciao for now!
Toodles! :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

haihh :\

apparently, my cousins didn't even come to my house :\ I already imagine that all of us would took gazillion of pics, making stupid jokes, etc etc. And, they didn't show up! >< class="Apple-style-span" color="#990000">2KG just for eating my aunt's awesome cooking and and her pudding bread :9 Its friggin delicious! I can't stop eating there :P To bad, Asyraff went home ): He's freaking adorable! :3 His eyes! OMG! So the freaking big O.O

So now, its midnight and i'm alone here in my bedroom :D Being alone sometimes is
cool :) OHH SNAAAP! Tomorrow i have to jog! God Damn, it'll be hard for me to wake up
early >.> Haihh, Well! Gtg! Hopes tomorrow would be awesome!

Toodles! :)

Friday, May 21, 2010


Wooohoo, so my cousins are here ;D ohgod,
ilovethemlikehellyeah :3
My baby cousin Asyraff is also here :) Ohmy,
he's sooo kyoot and adorable ;) and his just 5 Months
old. Soo, mom told me that some of my cousins are crashing by!
WOOOHOOO! but i pity him, cause he needs to make an operation
for his stomach stuff there, he can't really POO :\ i felt sorry for him...
Well, anyways, gtg! Have to crush some place :D

Toodles! :)

Exams =\

Why must there an existence of exam?

Since exam's is hunting me in 6 more days,
i gotta study. Study till my laaaaaaast breath :|
Saturday and Sunday doesn't feel like weekend anymore,
it felt like school. SCHOOL. :\ This is shit. I hate having exam.
I've experienced the first time of having exam in afternoon and it sucks,
ALOT. Can imagine having an exams when its actually NAP TIME?! -.-'
I fcukin hate the government. Screw YOU!



OHHH! Heee~ Sorry for the stupidity of my blog page, its
my first time :D Apart from Tumblr (:
Wokeyy, i skipped school today. Its just because my LAZINESS meter
is 10000000% :P And, i should be studying for exams. But.... Well, laziness ;)
And, pengajaran of the day: TAK PAYAH NAK PONTENG SEKOLAH.